As a therapist I can reassure you that I have spent years looking at feet and it is most likely that I don’t view your feet the way you do! I am not focussing on the colour of your nail varnish but more likely the reflexes on your feet and the organs they respond to! I offer a warm foot bath with lavender bath salts before your treatment starts or can simply cleanse your feet with lavender water. Either way, your feet will be nicely cleansed and refreshed before the treatment so please don’t be overly concerned with any potential odour.
The pressure reflexologists apply is fairly firm and it should not tickle. It is likely that once you become accustomed to your therapist’s touch, you will relax into your treatment and enjoy the pressure.
There is no standard answer to this question. We are all very different and respond to treatments in different ways.
If you feel like you would like a one-off treatment, perhaps as a treat or just to relax, then why not; this is a fantastic choice. Some individuals respond to reflexology after one treatment, whereas others may benefit from a course of treatment. If an individual has a certain issue they’d like to address (e.g. sleeping difficulties or stress), they may benefit from weekly or fortnightly sessions.
It is often the case that, after the initial course, many clients continue with regular treatments (on average every three to four weeks) as a way of maintaining their health and keeping their body balanced. Then there are often times when a client books in for a treatment on an “as required” basis, simply because they feel they need a treatment and know they are likely to feel better after.
I will never pressurise you regarding future bookings. You know your body and time constraints and I am here for you as and when you need me.
Whether you have a specific issue or simply need some time to rest and unwind, I am here for you. Feel free to give me a call to discuss arranging your first reflexology treatment in my cosy therapy room in St Anne’s.